Another subproject of ours provides the loading animations in CSS format. For user convenience the images can be sorted to include only animations that are available in SVG format and by other options. Most of the non-3D images are available in 3 formats - GIF, APNG and SVG. project provides more than 1000 different animations, split into 18 categories including most widely used loading spinners, horizontal bars, animated custom texts and others. It's still not very popular due to it's size in bytes comparing to all other formats. At the moment the APNG format is supported by most major browsers now. There is also APNG (or animated PNG) format which appeared because of the GIF limitations, but was denied by a number of comminities in the beginning. The animation objects are usually used in GIF format which is very popular due to it's history, but the loading images in SVG and CSS format are getting more and more poplular because of infinite size scalability - they can have any dimensions and relatively smaller size in bytes. Being an critically important part of web-site and application design and usability, mostly the animations are used to show that something is loading on the background (e.g.

Peeps: 3D Avatar Maker 3d app 3d character 3d illustration 3d tool avatar. Loading GIF or, so called loader gif is an animation that indicates a loading process on a web-site or an application. Popup Maker cartloop animation animation 2d application gif logo minimal.