I am hoping I will be able to have each of these groups of students again in the future to go over these things. Using complimentary colors for darkening.Mixing Brown, using all three Primary Colors.We only had about an hour and 10 minutes to complete the lesson, so there are still more topics that we didn’t get to talk about, which should be included while learning about the color wheel and when learning about mixing colors. Once they had mixed all of their colors, they did a wet-blend still life of a blue vase with flowers.Students mixed each of the above colors together and painted them on their Color Wheel Worksheet that was provided to them.Tertiary colors have two color names, with the Primary color always listed first.) (Tertiary colors are created when a Primary color is mixed with a neighboring Secondary color. Tertiary Colors = Red-orange, Yellow-orange, Yellow-green, Blue-green, Blue-violet, and Red-violet.

There are 3 fifth grade classes at this school, and each class has between 28 – 30 students – fairly large classes. And, a couple students were absent today – so it could’ve been an even larger group! I will be leading two more sessions of this Color Wheel lesson to the other two fifth grade classes tomorrow and Friday. That was a pretty large group of students. I just got back from teaching the color wheel (with tube watercolors) to a class of 27 fifth graders.