Don’t worry, macOS isn’t going to delete any of your important files - the files in purgeable space are actually more of a redundancy feature. Removing purgeable files from mac for bootcamp. Your macOS system will only remove purgeable space from your Mac when there is a need for additional storage.

Good thing we'll have mods to keep us busy after this.You can then sort the files by size, kind or last access date and determine if you want to delete any of them to free up some space on your storage device. We found this quest triggered as soon as we loaded up a mid or late game save.įallout 4: Nuka-World is the final piece of DLC for Fallout 4, as Bethesda is moving on to other major projects. To begin the Fallout 4: Nuka-World storyline, look for the quest All Aboard in your journal, which prompts you to tune to a new radio frequency. Not what you're looking for? Our Fallout 4 guide and Fallout 4: Nuka-World guide might help. If Nuka-World is not listed, try restarting your system and checking your connection. Once installed, fire up Fallout 4 and check the “add-ons” section of the main menu.Purchase if necessary, and begin the download. On PSN, the easiest way is to type "Fallout" into the search field, and you'll see Nuka World listed in the suggested results. On Steam and Xbox Live, check out the Fallout 4 store page. Make sure you have the most recent patch.Here's how to get hold of Nuka-World and ensure Fallout 4 recognises your license: The pack is included in the Season Pass, or can be purchased separately - that's obviously another requirement for playing it. The DLC is rolling out right now so if you own Fallout 4 you can go ahead and kick off the download and installation process. But how do you get it?įallout 4: Nuka-World won't automatically download on your console, even if you have the season pass - which might be a good thing if you're on a tight data limit, as it's the biggest one yet in terms of new content.